for Mezzo Soprano and Baroque Instruments ( Theorbo, Harp, Lirone)
Text: Rumi
re:Naissance Co‐Produced by Early Music Vancouver
Song Cycle in 3 movements for Soprano and Piano
Commissioned by Canadian Art Song Project
Purchase Score:
for Soprano and Mixed Western and Eastern Orchestra
Produced with the support of Toronto Arts Council, and Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT)
for Soprano and string Orchestra
Commissioned by Orchestra Toronto
for Soprano and string Orchestra
Commissioned by Thirteen String Orchestra, Ottawa
For Mezzo Soprano and String Quartet
Produced by Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT)
For Soprano, Clarinet, Piano and Cello
For Soprano, Flute, Piano and Cello
For Soprano and Chamber Orchestra
Produced by Iranian-0Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT)
For Mezzo Soprano and Orchestra
Commissioned by Tigran Festival
Produced by Iranian-Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT) as part of Operatic Narration of Arash the Archer Production
for Electronic and live Soprano
Commissioned and Performance in Toronto Nuit Blanch Festival
for Soprano, Se-Tar, Daf, Bassoon plus video installation
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